Our Story

Korean American University Professors Association (KAUPA) was established in 1986 to:

(1) encourage and facilitate academic research and scholarly cooperation among members,

(2) facilitate academic and social exchanges of scholars between North America and Korea,

(3) sponsor programs for its members, and sponsor programs related to order an essay for its students.
(5) award scholarships to Korean American and Korean Canadians students.

Bylaws of The Korean American University Professors Association (KAUPA)

Effective January 1, 1987
Amended October 20, 1988
Amended October 16, 2011

Article I - Name

The name of this association is the Korean American University Professors Association (hereafter referred to as KAUPA or the Association).

Article II - Membership

II.1. Regular membership in the Association is open to all those who hold academic positions (including emeritus) in universities or colleges in the United States of America or Canada.

II.2. Associate membership in the Association is open to those persons who support the objectives and activities of the Association. Associate members shall have the same rights and privileges as the regular members except for voting right and right to be nominated for any of the four officers: President, First Vice President (President-to-Be), Second Vice President and Secretary General.

II.3. All regular and associate members shall pay membership dues. The amount of dues shall be decided by the Executive Committee. All regular members who have paid their dues are eligible to vote.

Article III - Objectives

KAUPA is an academic, educational, non-profit and non-political organization.

The objectives of the Association are:

III.1. To encourage and facilitate academic research and scholarly cooperation among members, especially research on related issues on Korea and North America.

III.2. To facilitate academic and social exchanges of scholars between North America and Korea.

III.3. To sponsor programs for its members and Korean Americans.

Article IV - Activities

Activities of KAUPA may include:

IV.1. To hold academic conferences or seminars.

IV.2. To publish academic journals, newsletters and membership directories.

IV.3. To hold joint conferences or seminars with other academic, civic, or governmental organizations.

IV.4. To sponsor cultural or educational programs for Korean Americans and Koreans as well as its members.

IV.5. To sponsor other programs in accommodation with the objectives of the Association.

IV.6. KAUPA shall not carry on any activities not permitted to be carried on by an organization exempt from federal income tax under section 501(c) (3) of the Internal Revenue Code of 1954 or the corresponding provision of any future U.S. Internal Revenue Law.

Article V - Organization

V.1. Board of Directors

A. The Board of Directors (The Board) is the ultimate governing body of KAUPA and shall consist of at least five members.

B. The members of the Board are elected by the majority vote of the existing Board.

C. The term of the members is two years and may be renewed.

D. The Board will select the Chairperson. The Chairperson’s term is two years and may be renewed.

E. The President and the First Vice President of KAUPA are ex officio members of the Board.

F. The Board shall hold a regular meeting once a year. The decision of the Board will be made by the majority vote of the present.

G. The Board shall approve the Annual Budget and the Special Budget submitted by the Executive Committee.

H. The Board shall deal with major policy matters but not the routine management.

V.2. Nomination Committee

A. The Chairperson of the Board, President, and the First Vice President and one member-at-large will serve as the Nomination Committee.

B. The Nomination Committee nominates candidates for the members of the Board and the Executive Committee.

V.3. Executive Committee

A. The Executive Committee (EC) shall consist of President, Vice Presidents, Secretary General, and Treasurer.

B. The members of the EC are nominated by the Nomination Committee and are elected by the General Assembly of KAUPA.

C. The terms of the EC are two years and may be renewed.

D. EC will plan and execute the KAUPA activities.

E. The President is the official representative and the chief executive officer of KAUPA, who is in charge of all activities of KAUPA.

F. Vice Presidents shall assist the President, and when the President is absent or incapacitated, the First Vice President shall assume the responsibilities of the President.

G. The Secretary General is the chief administrative officer of KAUPA, and shall be responsible for the administrative support for the KAUPA activities.

H. The Treasurer shall manage the funds of KAUPA, and prepare financial statements and report them to the President and the Board.

V.4. General Assembly

A. All due-paying members of the Association shall constitute the General Assembly.

B. The General Assembly shall confirm the membership of the Board and the Executive Committee by the majority vote.

Article VII - Revision

VII.I. The constitution may be revised by the General Assembly with a two-thirds majority vote of all ballots cast.

VII.2. Petition for a revision of the constitution can be made to the President, by 20 percent or more of the members of the General Assembly, or by a decision of the Executive Committee.

VII.3. The President shall conduct a ballot of all members with voting right within two weeks of receiving a petition for revision of the constitution. The ballot, with the statement of the petition, shall be forwarded to each member with the voting right. The completed ballot shall be returned to the President within four weeks after its mailing. The results of the ballots shall be announced within a week after the close of the ballots.

Article VIII - Provisos

VIII.1. The constitution of KAUPA shall be effective immediately upon its approval

VIII.2. In the event of dissolution, the residual assets of KAUPA will be turned over to one or more organizations which themselves are exempt as organizations described in Section 501 (c) (3) and 170 (c) (2) of the Internal Revenue Code of 1954 or corresponding sections.



Young B. Choi
Regent University
[email protected]

Vice President
Youngsuk Kim
Mansfield University
[email protected]

Executive Committee

Regional Chairs



North America Regions



WA, OR, ID, MT, WY, ND, SD, NE, and AK


CA, NV, UT, AZ, CO, NM, and HI


MN, IA, WI, IL, MI, IN, OH and KY


KS, OK, TX, MO, AR, LA, and MS


ME, VT, NH, MA, RI, CT, and NY


PA, NJ, DE, MD, DC, WV, and VA


TN, AL, NC, SC, GA, and FL

Canada west:

YT, BC, NT, AB, SK, NU, and MB

Canada east:

ON, QC, NL, PE, NB, and NS



Past Presidents and Officers

12th President
K. Wayne Lee
University of Rhode Island
[email protected]

11th President
Sunwoong Kim
Univ. of Wisconsin-Milwaukee
[email protected]

10th President
Nak Ho Sung
Tufts University
[email protected]

9th President
Yoon-Shik Park
George Washington University
[email protected]

8th President
H. Thomas Hahn
Univ. of California, Los Angeles
[email protected]

7th President
Hang Yul Rhee
Shepherd University
[email protected]

6th President
Youn-Suk Kim
Kean University
[email protected]

5th President
Ki-Hyon Kim
North Carolina Central University

4th President
Eui Hang Shin
University of South Carolina

3rd President
Yun Kim
Utah State University

2nd President
Tae-Hwan Kwak
Eastern Kentucky University
[email protected]

1st President
Seong Hyong Lee
Appalachian State University

Former Officers

Positions Name University Major
Organizational Meeting October 12, 1985
Chairman Lee, Seong Hyong Appalachian State University Communication
Vice Chairman Choi, In Dal James Madison University Music
Vice Chairman Shin, Eui Hang University of South Carolina Sociology
1st Leadership 1986-1988
President Lee, Seong Hyong Appalachian State University Communication
Vice President Kwak, Tae-Hwan Eastern Kentucky University Political Science
Vice President Kim, Yun Utah State University Sociology
Secretary General Shin, Eui Hang University of South Carolina Sociology
2nd Leadership 1989-1990
President Kwak, Tae-Hwan Eastern Kentucky University Political Science
Vice President Kim, Yun Utah State University Sociology
Vice President Shin, Eui Hang University of South Carolina Sociology
Secretary General Kim, Young J. Alcorn State University Social Science
3rd Leadership 1991-1992
President Kim, Yun Utah State University Sociology
Vice President Shin, Eui Hang University of South Carolina Sociology
Vice President Kim, Young J. Alcorn State University Social Science
Secretary General Youm, Kyo Ho Arizona State University Mass Comm.
4th Leadership 1993-1994
President Shin, Eui Hang University of South Carolina Sociology
Vice President Kim, Ki-Hyon N. Carolina Central University Physics
Vice President Kim, Youn-Suk Kean University Economics
Secretary General Youm, Kyo Ho Arizona State University Mass. Comm.
5th Leadership 1995-1996
President Kim, Ki-Hyon N. Carolina Central University Physics
Vice President Kim, Youn-Suk Kean University Economics
Vice President Rhee, Hang Yul Shepherd University Gov’t & Politics
Secretary General Oh, Hae Soo Univ. of N. Carolina-Charlotte Mathematics
6th Leadership 1997-1998
President Kim, Youn-Suk Kean University Economics
Vice President Rhee, Hang Yul Shepherd University Gov’t & Politics
Secretary General Oh, Hae Soo Univ. of N. Carolina-Charlotte Mathematics
7th Leadership 1999-2000
President Rhee, Hang Yul Shepherd University Gov’t & Politics
President-Elect Hahn, H. Thomas UCLA Mech. Engineering
Treasyrer Kim, Jungho University of Maryland Mech. Engineering
Publications Director Oh, Hae Soo Univ. of N. Carolina-Charlotte Mathematics
Conference Director Kim, Ki-Hyon N. Carolina Central University Physics
8th Leadership 2001-2002
President Hahn, H. Thomas UCLA Mech. Engineering
President-Elect Park, Yoon-Shik George Washington University Int’l Finance
Secretary General Han, Bongtae University of Maryland Mech. Engineering
Treasurer Kim, Jungho University of Maryland Mech. Engineering
Publications Director Oh, Hae Soo Univ. of N. Carolina-Charlotte Mathematics
Conference Director Kim, Ki-Hyon N. Carolina Central University Physics
9th Leadership 2003-2004
President Park, Yoon-Shik George Washington University Int’l Finance
Secretary General Han, Bongtae University of Maryland Mech. Engineering
Treasurer Kim, Jungho University of Maryland Mech. Engineering
Publications Director Oh, Hae Soo Univ. of N. Carolina-Charlotte Mathematics
Conference Director Kim, Ki-Hyun N. Carolina Central University Physics
10th Leadership 2005-2006
President Sung, Nak Ho Tufts University Chem. & Biological Eng.
Treasurer Kim, Jungho University of Maryland Mech. Engineering
Publications Director Oh, Hae Soo Univ. of N. Carolina-Charlotte Mathematics
Conference Director Kim, Ki-Hyun N. Carolina Central University Physics
11th Leadership 2007-2013
President Kim, Sungwoong Univ. of Wisconsin-Milwaukee Economics
Vice President Kim, Byung H. Univ. of Massachusetts, Amherst Mech. Engineering
Secretary General Jeong, Wooweob Univ. of Wisconsin-Milwaukee Information Sciences
Treasurer Kim, Jungho (2007-10)
Choi, Woonsup (2011-13)
University of Maryland
Univ. of Wisconsin-Milwaukee
Mech. Engineering
12th Leadership 2014-2017
President Lee, Kwang-Won Wayne Univ. of Rhode Island Transp. & Civil Engineering
Vice President Park, Jae Kwang Univ. of Wisconsin-Madison Envion. Engineering
Vice President Choi, Young B. Regent Univ. Computer Science
Secretary General Kim, Jongsung Bryant Univ. Economics
Treasurer Choi, Woonsup Univ. of Wisconsin-Milwaukee Geography
Artistic & Cultural Director Kim, Youngsuk Mansfield Univ. Music
Scholarship Committee Chair Kang, Kee Bum Naval Postgraduate School Industrial Engineering
Rules Committee Chair Hyun, Kun Sup New Jersey Inst. of Tech. Chemical Engineering
Webmaster Jeong, Wooseob Emporia State Univ. Information Mgmt.
Board Members 2014-2017
Chair Kim, Kihyun Kenny Univ. of Central North Carolian Physics
Rhee, Hangryul West Virginia Shepherd Univ. Politics
Hahn, Hongtaek Thomas Univ. of California, Los Angeles Mech. Engineering
Park, Yoon Shik George Washington Univ. International Finance
Sung, Nakho Tufts Univ. Chemical Engineering
Kim, Sunwoong Univ. of Wisconsin-Milwaukee Economics
Lee, Kang-Won Wayne Univ. of Rhode Island Transp. & Civil Engineering
Park, Jae Kwang Univ. of Wisconsin-Madison Envion. Eng.